LabLive - Digital Summit
Thursday 24th September 2020
Mosaic Lincoln - Online
1 Day, 7 agencies , 8 Masterclasses.

Thursday 24th September 2020 , LabLive takes place here ar Mosaic. We are proud to sponsor Lincolnshire's Digital Summit.
1 Day, 7 agencies, 8 masterclasses.
LabLive is a full-day event held online by a range of Marketing agencies from Lincolnshire.
Many of Mosaic's members are working together on this event. Here at Mosaic, we endeavor to encourage
growth, collaboration, and education. This events fully supports our ethos.
We are excited and proud to be involved. All profit is going to St Baranabas Hospice.
We cannot wait to see the collaboration between our members flourish, and hope to see much more
of this in the future.
Anyone who books onto this great event will have the option to book a free day taster session in Mosaic.
With a range of tickets available have a look .
We hope to see lots of you getting involved. It's going to be a good one!